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Groschopp AG joined Global Compact in 2011, thereby declaring to integrate in their business strategy, business culture and day-to-day business its ten principles regarding economical, ecological and social aspects. Furthermore, Groschopp AG pledges to support the guidelines of Global Compact continuously, and to live and join any co-operational projects that foster the general goals of the United Nations, especially the Millennium Development Goals. Groschopp AG will communicate clearly this engagement to all shareholders and to the general public.

Groschopp AG practices an open management style in order to guarantee that the relationship among the employees is being governed by fairness and mutual personal acceptance. This is especially characterized by the fact that, as a matter of principle, every upcoming topic can openly be discussed. Every employee is given the opportunity to voice his/her opinion about any respective topic affecting him/her, whether he/she is specifically asked to do so or not. This is an important aspect, making the employee feel connected with the business, thus implementing the envisaged goals with innovative products and solutions.

The enterprise adheres to all international work and social standards. The right to collective bargaining and freedom of association is observed. The inclusion of employee representation in the formation of work and social dealings is self-evident. Payment of fair wages is guaranteed, as are the payment of statutory minimum wages and the statutory maximum hours of work.

The enterprise pledges not to employ anyone who is under the age of 15 years. Furthermore, in the sphere of safety at work the enterprise commits to curtail risks and to ensure the best possible precautions to avoid accidents and occupational diseases.




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